Looking for a Schnauzer, Plymouth, Feb 19

by ST
(Plymouth )

Hi, I am looking for a reputable place to adopt a Schnauzer. I love in Plymouth, UK. I am happy to travel to meet the dog. Thanks. Stammers10@gmail.com

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Feb 02, 2019
rescue sites
by: Izzy

Hi try looking at these sites-

www.manytearsrescue.org/ search under schnauzer


I know from a facebook psotings that have just taken in a number of ex breeding schnauzers - most will need a resident dog to help them settle

also try preloved and gumtree sites as they can still advertise animals

good luck in your search

Feb 01, 2019
good luck in your search
by: Linda

Try here:
or Many Tears and type in Schnauzer
Good luck

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