Dog Illnesses Symptoms

There are many different dog illnesses symptoms that can indicate your trusty canine companion isn't feeling great.

You may think your dog can't talk, but really he can! If you know your dog, his character and habits, then he CAN tell you when he's not well. He does this by changing his patterns.

Some dog illnesses symptoms are physical, some emotional and others are behavioral.

There are four vital signs which can show that your dog is not well.
dog illnesses symptoms - dog with water bottle
Early treatment can be the key to keeping a small problem from snowballing into a serious illness. So it's important for you to be able to recognize these changes as soon as possible.

You should also keep an accurate and detailed account of your dog's symptoms to help the vet diagnose and then treat the problem effectively.

Most canine ailments are detected through a combination of signs and symptoms. Here are four vital signs -

A new puppy will have a temperature of 94-97º F. This reaches the normal adult body temperature of 101ºF at about 4 weeks old. Really, anything between 100ºF and 102ºF is normal.

Like all dogs, a Schnauzer's temperature has to be taken anally. Be careful when doing it as the thermometer can easily break off steady whilst you do this.

One point to remember is that excitement or exercise can cause a 2 or 3º rise in temperature even when your dog is in good health.

If your dog’s temperature is above or below the normal range, you should take him to the veterinarian.

Heart Rate
You can feel for your dog’s heartbeat by placing your hand on his lower ribcage - just behind the elbow. Don’t be alarmed if the heartbeat seems irregular compared to a human! It IS irregular in many dogs.

Have your vet show you how and get used to your dog's normal heartbeat.

  • Small dogs like Miniature Schnauzers have a normal rate of 90 to 140 beats per minute.
  • Medium dogs like Standard Schnauzers have a normal rate of 80 to 120 beats per minute.
  • Big dogs like Giant Schnauzers have a normal rate of 70 to 120 beats per minute.

Respiratory Rate
Another symptom of illness is a change in breathing patterns. This varies a lot depending on the size and weight of the dog.

An adult dog will have a breathing rate of 15-25 breaths per minute when resting. You can easily check this by counting your dog's breaths for a minute with a stopwatch. Don't do this when the dog is panting - it doesn't count.

Behavior Changes
Classic dog illnesses symptoms are any sudden behavior changes which cannot be easily explained.

If there's NOT been a change in your household - such as another new pet, a new baby, moving home or the absence of a family member - then the following symptoms may well be an indication that all is not well with your dog:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trembling
  • Tiredness
  • Falling or stumbling

If your dog shows any of these signs, keep him under under close watch for a few hours or even days. Quite often he will return to normal of his own accord. Like humans, canines have off-days too!

If he is showing any of the above dog illnesses symptoms, then don't over- exercise him and try to avoid stressful situations for him.

There are many other dog illnesses symptoms, but these are four of the most important.

If your dog does need professional medical attention, Most veterinarians will want to know -
WHEN the symptoms first appeared
WHETHER they are getting better or worse, and
HOW FREQUENT the symptoms are. Are they intermittent, continuous or increasing in frequency?

Remember - keep a record for your vet.

You may be interested in these other pages on your dog's health -

Schnauzer Health

Top Ten Guide Signs of a Healthy Dog

Canine Separation Anxiety - the Symptoms

Techniques for Dealing with Canine Separation Anxiety

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DISCLAIMER: Please note, these articles are intended to give a broad outline of various Schnauzer health issues. If you think your dog may have a serious health problem, please consult your veterinarian.

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