Why does schnauzer like sleeping on my legs?

Why does my schnauzer like to sleep on my legs?

It's because she -or he -wants to be near you

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Jan 11, 2015
my mini pin whines to sleep between my legs under the covers
by: jen

I have a mini pin sorry y'all but mine is 4 yrs old and she just started sleeping between my legs and during the day I have things to do and can't be in bed all day covered up so she'll follow me where ever I am in the house and whine to me I either give in or I have to correct her and she'll go into her crate but that don't last long till she back at me again whining expecting me to go into bed so she can go under the covers and she's laying comfortably in between my legs

You've got to be firm Jen! Have some short periods away from her and don't let her presume she can sleep with you all the time

Nov 10, 2014
Mine sleep on my bed too..
by: Michele ( Benji & Rebel )

My two schnauzers .. Rebel age 6 and 10.55 kilos and Benji 9.70 kilos both sleep on my bed and Rebel usually with his head on the pillow or snuggled up close to me.. and Benji with his head across my legs .. sometimes I have to move him as I get so I can't move my legs and get cramp.. !! Rebel always gets in-between my feet when I'm on the sofa… they are so loving and I love them to bits, Rambo is his own boss he snuggles up in his furry bed… warm and happy..

Nov 08, 2014
Sleeping on legs
by: Tony Parran

I have a rescue from Mexico. I got him at 4-months and he is 17-months now. When Copito aka Coco first slept in my room, I put him in bed with me. For nearly a year he would sleep between my legs. His favorite position was upside down on his back, front paws bent. His head on my, well, , , you know area.

As he got older and a little more heavier this became an obvious problem, but he solved that himself. He started sleeping at my feet. Still a problem, but I was just happy he felt comfortable enough to sleep with me.

Now he is 17-months and he prefers to sleep on the floor. No matter, when I put him in bed with me, he will lie for a about an hour and then jump to the floor.

I miss the old days. He has grown up and is a lot more independent.

The one thing he still does is lie on my feet when I am sitting on the edge of the bed or at the computer desk.

He makes sure I am very near.

Nov 08, 2014
Sleeping on legs
by: Tony Parran

I have a rescue from Mexico. I got him at 4-months and he is 17-months now. When Copito aka Coco first slept in my room, I put him in bed with me. For nearly a year he would sleep between my legs. His favorite position was upside down on his back, front paws bent. His head on my, well, , , you know area.

As he got older and a little more heavier this became an obvious problem, but he solved that himself. He started sleeping at my feet. Still a problem, but I was just happy he felt comfortable enough to sleep with me.

Now he is 17-months and he prefers to sleep on the floor. No matter, when I put him in bed with me, he will lie for a about an hour and then jump to the floor.

I miss the old days. He has grown up and is a lot more independent.

The one thing he still does is lie on my feet when I am sitting on the edge of the bed or at the computer desk.

He makes sure I am very near.

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Schnauzers love to be near their owners!

Nov 14, 2013
Why does schnauzer like sleeping on my legs
by: Anonymous

My mini will be 12 in Dec, From day one, whenever I sat on the floor with my back against the couch or chair she would come and lay across my ankles. I loved it from the first moment on, that little, warm and furry body. Those are some of the moments that make for wonderful memories. I have loved each and every Schnauzer we've had.

Nov 13, 2013
Cuddly Schnauzer
by: Michele

Linda & Max are quite right , as my Rebel does too.. Benji not so much but Rebel either sleeps between my legs when I'm watching TV or with his head near me or on the pillow when I'm in bed. Sometimes I have to shove him over because I can't get into bed. !!!!

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