Why does my 11 year old mini schnauzer leave poop balls while sleeping

My 11 year old male ms has begun dropping poop balls in his sleep. It's not intentional and I don't think he knows he's doing it. This started after he had some small tumors removed 5 months ago. They look like little round balls and they are hard. Before the surgery I changed his food to taste of the wild and thought the balls may be an after effect of the surgery or the food. I switched to California naturals and the problem persisted. A few weeks ago I switched to science diet sensitive stomach. In the beginning it would sometimes be 3-4 small hard balls; with the science diet it's usually one ball but softer and a little larger. The vet said there's nothing wrong; only maybe a little incontenence but there was nothing he can do. Please share any suggestions on how to address this problem. I'm interested in anything that might help.

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Apr 26, 2017
That's a new one
by: Linda and Max

We have not heard of this issue before. We are not veterinarians, but it looks like it is probably an after effect of the surgery.
It may be that you have to live with the problems, which , if your Mini is otherwise OK, is not so bad. The main thing is that he seems otherwise healthy.
The one suggestion we do have is to try switching to a raw diet -but do it over a week to 10 days, i.e.gradually. 10-15% of the raw diet per day, while reducing his other food. Breeders and owners report less waste and the poop when it comes is much less and like dry pellets.
Good luck.

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