What color is my Miniature Schnuazer?

by Allie

I just got a girl miniature schnauzer. Her lower, longer body hair is black, but her shorter hair has a brown coloring to her. What color should I put down when filling her registration out?

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Feb 16, 2012
What Colour...
by: Michele

I don't believe your puppy is pepper and salt as they do not have the longer fur black.. normally pepper and salt have grey mixed in with white on the longer softer coat, and the top coat is peppery ....

Feb 16, 2012
post a photo
by: Anonymous

sounds like your schnauzer is salt and pepper

Feb 10, 2012
Colour of your girl
by: Michele

Firstly.. is she a puppy and how old is she.. secondly let me see a photo of her then I can tell you.. it sounds as if she is Black as her brown longer hair is normal .. My Ringo was black but also has chocolate brownish hair in some of his longer coat, on his legs, but his body coat was black..
I will post a photo I took a few years ago when he was still with us to show you what I mean..

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