Sudden change in behaviour.

by Lesley

Hi Max. My human doesn't understand why I have suddenly stopped returning to her when she calls Since I was 4 months old she has let me off the lead in the park, on the field or on the local beach. I have always returned to her when called, that was until 2 weeks ago when out off the blue I refused and she spent half an hour getting me back on the lead. I've continued to ignore her call when off the lead and she has to be devious to get the lead back on. I'M 16 months old now and she wants to know what she can do.
Love from Milly (mini Schnauzer)

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Jan 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi my name is Kooper (male mini schnauzer 6 months).
I'm acting like Milly at times but I am still in training.
But for the last week, I have been extremly stand offish. I go off and sleep in rooms by myself, I don't want to play with my toys with anybody, And I just want lay at the back door by my self.
I seem to be nervous (trembling) a lot for not reason. My Mom and Dad are worried about me??

Can you Help them?
Thanks Kooper

Nov 17, 2016
Terrible teens
by: Max

Dear Milly,
You are suffering from a bout of the "Terrible Teens" when adolescent dogs suddenly start pushing the boundaries - e.g. running off, stealing things, barking a lot, even making a mess inside the house when perfectly housetrained.
Of course you know not to do these things, but your hormones are raging -and although you look nearly adult, you are still a youngster inside.
Tell your owner to go back to basics with training, rewards and treats and you'll be bvack to your old self in no time.
Love from Max

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