Still missing Buddy...

by Kevin Panting
(Springfield Illinois, USA)

Me and my Buddy while I was recuperating

Me and my Buddy while I was recuperating

It has been 3 weeks since our Buddy left us, and I still feel empty. He was such a part of our daily routines. My more pressing issue now is Maddie. I don't know what the grieving habits of dogs are. Maddie seems to be taking it just as hard as we are. Her appetite seems to be better, but everything else is all out of kilter. She is acting very afraid of everything and everybody. She won't come to us when called. She won't go outside without being coaxed. She won't leave the porch, etc. It is almost as if she doesn't hear us. We have all been giving her all the love and attention that she always gets, and then some. We haven't moved or discarded Buddy's things (bed, toys, bowl mat and bowls, etc.). We are very concerned about this depression of hers. I just couldn't take it if something where to happen to her. Because we have all heard the "broken heart" stories. Anyone have any suggestions on how my grieving family can help our grieving Maddie?

What would the recommended time-frame be for getting her another brother? I say brother because we are pretty set on getting another male mini. Or should we get her a sister? Or should we breed her? So many questions I know.

I am so glad that I found this site. I have gotten excellent advice and opinions. Our Buddy looked a lot like Max, so I can see them both every time I visit.

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Oct 19, 2016
Grieving dog
by: Brian

some years ago we had two springers who were great friends. They were inseparable, shared a bed etc When one died the other went off his food (unknown for him), he also howled at night - and i mean howled. very quickly we got another (actually a rescue dog), he took one look at her and went back on his food!

Oct 18, 2016
Lovely photo
by: Linda and Max

Hi Kevin, that's a lovely photo of you and Buddy.
Animals can and do grieve, just as we do. My friend has two Border terriers, sisters, and when one died, the remaining one, who had always been very quiet, suddenly had a new lease of life and was like a new dog!
However, it is more common for dogs to behave as Maddie is doing, particularly if she took the lead from Buddy.
Although two females could get on together, you would have to try them out together first. It may be better to look for a neutered male. And really, there is no decent time to wait, it is whenever you feel ready. And that could be tomorrow, but be sure to get the right dog that Maddie will get on with. Best to introduce them to each other on neutral territory the first time they meet.
Let us know how you get on....and Good Luck.
No dog will ever replace Buddy, but he might help to fill that gap.

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