Standard Schnauzer Busting Loose with Attitude

by Denise


We have a 4 year old large mini or what I believe to be a standard schnauzer! We picked him from a local rescue at 3 years old. He, Sir Isaac, (loving nicknamed "I Dog" by our five-year-old son) has been a great addition to our family until the last few months.

Isaac is a great dog, very friendly, playful and protective. But, he is beginning to "rule the roost" by acting out. Like escaping from an open door, dumping the trash and rummaging through it, choosing to ignore commands like "come" and "stay"

This background allows me to now ask...What is the best way to regain control of the house and regain our wonderful furry family member? Treats work when he wants to, and the kennel is one of his favorite places.
We are considering the purchase of a training collar to help do away with unwanted behaviors, because he becomes aggressive to everyone but our boy.
We love Isaac, but his behavior has to improve (It has gotten steadily worse since I went to work full-time in August.)

Thank you

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Jan 06, 2011
I Dog
by: Cindi

He is showing signs that he is lacking attention and separation anxiety. I might suggest a doggie day care. He is acting out for the attention he has had in the past.

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