Something to help getting in & out of house?

by Susan Todd
(Georgetown, Delaware)

Our Giant Schnauzer Max is 14&1/2 years old about 90lbs, we need something to help get him down steps in & out of house, his back legs give out & he can't get up & down on his own anymore, we have to lift him up & hold him to get going, its really hard going up & down steps if there was something for us to use to make it easy?

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Jul 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

We made a ramp with a piece of plywood with carpet nailed onto it, you can put strips of wood across that for more grip but of course it depends on how many steps and how steep.
Will he "wheelbarrow" if you hold his back legs up, in other words will he walk on his front legs while you hold the back, I have seen that work with a German Shepherd? The other method is a sling (just a large towel) under his hips, simple with a small dog but will need two of you, one either side for such a large dog. I do hope you find something that works.

Jul 02, 2016
great age!
by: Linda and Max

Congratulations to your Max for getting to such a ripe old age, it's a great age for a Giant.
Sorry to hear he's having trouble. There are no lifts as such that I am aware of, but some older dogs find a ramp easier than stairs, have you tried that?
Also try Omega 3 and/or other supplements to help his joints. some owners think turmeric Golden Paste is also good, but check with your vet first with this as it thins blood.
All the best to you all,
Linda and (Mini) Max

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