Smelly Schnoodle - help!

by Meredith

We have a precious 2 year old schnoodle female we rescued after she was hit by a car and broke her pelvis (she is 110% now!).
She is the best dog I have ever had but she is also the smelliest dog I've ever had. She has dry skin so I don't want to bathe her too often, and even when I do bathe her the smell never really goes away. We took her to the groomer a few weeks ago and she actually smelled nice for a week or so.
What am I doing wrong? I paid the groomer extra for an "exfoliating" scrub, maybe that made the difference? I would love any tips or tricks!
I bathe her with an oatmeal and aloe shampoo for dry skin and follow up with a conditioner.

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Jan 05, 2016
Stinky Schnoodle
by: Anonymous

We have a rescue Schnoodle who is very stinky, I agree with adding (preferably organic) apple cider vinegar to the water. You may want to try a non oatmeal shampoo, if the smell has anything to do with yeast, my understanding is that the oatmeal may exacerbate it.

Comment from Linda and Max. This is not usual. He may have a yeast or ear infection. Is the smell coming from his ears?

Jul 22, 2013
smelly schnoodle
by: Holly's Mom

It's obvious you really love her. Try giving her a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar mixed into her drinking water ( one for the whole day). It will do wonders for her body's natural ph balance and possibly help with her odor. Also mix some vinegar with warm water and rinse her with it. Check the internet for ratio of water and vinegar.I do 8 cups water with 1/2 cup vinegar. The first few minutes she will smell like vinegar but then she'll smell fresh. You can do this a couple of times a week. It's great for her skin plus she will smell nice and feel so soft as well and it's pennies only. No ingredients in the vinegar but good things, just keep it away from her eyes. Let us know how it worked. She'll know that you know how sweet she smells, believe me they sense it.

Jul 21, 2013
Ask your vet
by: Michele

Schnauzers don't usually smell as their coats are non-moulting, so I guess it's the same with a Schnoodle, being crossed with a poodle. I would be asking my vet as it may be inwardly that is making her smell.. you don't say whether she is spayed, but I'm sure your vet will give you the reason .. why..

Jul 21, 2013
Smelly Schnoodle - help!
by: Toni

First of all, she is adorable, and you are so lucky to have her! My mini gets a "doggie smell" but isn't terribly offensive. I bathe her in oatmeal shampoo or Epi-Soothe (which I bought from a doggie site on-line). I found the smelly part was actually coming from her breathe (check the cloth toys for a smell?). I give her plain yogurt (no sugar, no fruit) and a piece of doggie cranberry chew to keep any yeast infections down. It helps. If your puppy has no open sore on her body, and she isn't rolling in "rotten dead stuff" as they love to do, you may have to have the vet advise you. I bathe my mini once a month, and in between she does get a bit gamey smelling. I found these suggestions from a blogger on a dog site that you might try:

1. Check the area where he is allowed to walk outside.
2. Professional teeth cleaning is very important (yearly).
3. It could be what you are feeding him (do you feed premium diet like INNOVA, EVO, etc. and not crap like Purina or Alpo).
4. Check to see if his anal glands need expressing (you can do this yourself).
5. Use natural and/or hypoallergenic shampoo/conditioners

6. If all else fails then he may need a blood test to check for infections, etc.

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