Shnauzer Skin Contact Dermatitis - what can we do?

by Craig Higgins
(Marstons Mills, MA)

Hello, I read your post about contact irritations and I believe our mini is affected by either the new carpet in our house or some other outside cause (grass?)
Obviously we can't rip the carpet out of the house, without continually putting her on antibiotics.
What else can we do?

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Sep 26, 2011
contact dermatitis
by: Anonymous

My 8 month old mini schnauzer also had a contact dermititis around his neck and chest. i was surprised how extensive it was when I clipped his hair. The vet recommeded twice a week baths with an oatmeal shampoo. I also applied organic cocont oil daily for a few weeks. This completely cured the dermatitis. I also put a capsule of fish oil with his food once a day and continue to give him twice weekly baths. His skin is great now...good luck!

Aug 17, 2011
Canola Oil
by: Craig Higgins

I have been putting a teaspoon of Canola Oil in my Schnauzers food every other day and it has helped with the itching. She still has the red bumps. Honestly, I just can't handle going to the vet each month and spending $100 for antibiotics and a vet visit. I have shampooed the "new" carpet in hopes of removing any of the chemicals that could be irritating her and I have changed laundry detergent. After several loads of laundry everything has been washed. Any help would be great. I ever never heard about yogurt, but would be willing to try it. ;-)

Aug 17, 2011
Skin Issues
by: Anonymous

My dog is currently on Claratin 1/2 pill a day for seasonal allergies. I would also like to know if anyone is trying yogurt to combat yeast issues?

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