Shedding Schnoodle and excessive itching

by Maddy

My 4 year old schnoodle and 7 and 1/2 year old miniature toy poodle had fleas 2 months ago and we treated them both and even flea bombed parts of the house.
Then we took them to the groomers and the groomer said there was no sign of the fleas living there. But she treated them anyways just in case. Then they came home and seemed fine for about a week. But now for a week and a half my Schnoodle is back to itching and biting her bottom like crazy, I even see her little black hairs on my bed sheet (even though Schnoodles aren't supposed to shed) and she seems to have a little possible bald spot near her back leg where it is pinkish red on her skin.
What should I do? We're taking her to the vet's but is there anything that this sounds like?

If the fleas have definitely gone, then it sounds like some sort of skin irritation.
We would definitely get him or her checked over by the vet, firstly to make sure the fleas have DEFINITELY gone and, if so, then to find out what is causing the irritation.
Did you groomer use any new treatments on your Schnoodle?
Has your Schnoodle been wormed?

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Dec 03, 2012
still fleas or possibly food allergies
by: Betsy, Alpharetta, GA

Many dogs are very allergic to flea bites. And, a dog can be treated with flea medication each month and still get bitten . From what I understand, the flea can bite the medicated dog one time before it dies. Therefore, fleas would not be found on the dog. Apparently, you had fleas in your home. Could some still be lurking in your house?

If you feel this isn't the case, you might look into food allergies. As dogs age, it is not uncommon for some to develop allergies to foods that have never before caused problems.

Your poor dog sounds miserable. It might be time for a vet visit.

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