Seizures ( 7 year old Mini Male Schnauzer)

by Faye

I am frantic... and need help!!! Has anyone had a Schnauzer with seizures?

I Took Pepper 7 yrs Old ( My Baby) to the Vet to have his ears checked for allergies and also scheduled to have him groomed while there. Doc called and said there is no ear infection, however he said, Pepper had two seizures on the Groomers table; so they decided to stop the process and gave him an injection ( Diazepam) to calm him. The Doc said they would like to run a blood test to check his liver and kidneys to rule out any other problems. Doc called today said blood result were fine everything look good. He also said it looks like Pepper has Epilepsy; and to monitor him the next few days and write down the time, date and length of the seizures and possibly start on medication next week.
Are there any natural treatments for dogs with seizures? I understand Diazepam and Phenobarbital has major side effects?
Thanks and I appreciate any response .

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Mar 13, 2019
CBD Oil for seizures
by: Anonymous

Our 14 yo male mini schnauzer started having seizures within the last year. We use a certified pure CDB oil blended specifically for dogs and give the recommended doseages based on his weight (3-4 drops) on his food. While he is on it, he is seizure free. We stopped it for a week and found he started having seizures again, so started him back and it absolutely works for him. He does have heart and kidney issues that the vet Rx's for and he is on those. They state the seizures can be related to these health issues. They have not stated they recommend the cbd oil, but we find it works and our 14 yo acts like a puppy! He is happy and active!
NOTE FROM LINDA - that is very interesting, thank you for sharing.

Nov 13, 2018
by: Betty

Also, if your vet gave your dog a flea/tick treatment it could be a reaction from that. Our schnauzer girl-Jasmine received the oil type flea/tick treatment from our vet 3-4 years ago and within 3-4 hours of the treatment she was having tremors and small seizure type episodes. The vet had us bath her numerous times in Dawn to cut the strength of the treatment. I have never allowed her to receive that treatment or a chemical flea/tick treatment since then.

Nov 12, 2018
by: Linda

I would find out if Pepper has epilepsy.
If not, then it is a nervous reaction; fear. Max almost became ungroomable at the end because he got so frightened by the groomer's -and used to constantly bark at the vet's. It was nerves and they got worse as he got older.
If he hasn't got epilepsy, there are plenty of natural remedies to keep dogs calm. Here is some info:
We also gave Max melatonin before Bonfire Night and all the fireworks.
Good luck.

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