Schnoodles - missing our family dogs

by Matt
(Melbourne, Australia)


Me and my girlfriend recently moved out into our first place and after missing our family dogs are looking to get schnoodles.

If we got 2 of them would this solve the problem of us being at work from 8-6 every day with them being lonely?

Also would it be better to get a male and female or two of the same sex in terms of getting along?

Are there any real differences in the sexes of the dog?


Matt Yates

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Feb 20, 2009
Long time for dogs to be alone
by: Suzanne

Hi Matt down there in Australia. I know what you mean about missing the family dogs, I felt just the same when I left home. The apartment does seem empty without them.

I have a friend with a schnoodle and they are great dogs. But he really does love being with peopel. It would be better with 2 as they would not get so lonely, but schnoodles like my friend's really do want to be with you and play with you. I dont think its really fair to keep them in the house alone together for so long every day. It seems even longer for a dog as they only have short lives. Also what about when you go out in theevening or away on holiday. It seems like the dogs will be spending an awful lot of time on their own and it is not really fair on them. sorry to say that, but I think its true.

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