schnauzer won't bark

by Gary

I have a 15 week old Schnauzer which doesn't bark at all.
People can just walk into the yard and he just looks at them.
Is that normal at this age. Also, he cannot and c hold his bladder that long. Is that normal?

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Aug 19, 2011
2 yr old Schnauzer
by: Anonymous

My mini schnauzer did not find her voice until she was about a year old - Before that she was very quiet - I would not worry

Jun 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

Don't know much first hand about the bladder situation.Except that our neighbors, who have a Cairn Terrier used to run home every few hours to let him out. The vet told them that he was very little had had a little bladder that didn't hold much... Think he was 12 weeks old. I'd just check with your vet to be sure.
Re: the barking.. our Spiffy was about a yr old when we rescued her.
We know she had a voice box because , when we were at the adoption center, we did here her bark at another dog. Other than that, it was months before she barked once. As she became more protective of fmy husband and I and more possessive of her home and yard, bark she does.... I wouldn't let that concern you one bit.

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