schnauzer mommy worries about timid mini

by Igrewe

I have a 10 month old mini schnauzer, he loves our maltese and yorky and my husbands bernese but is very timid with dogs at dog park and is extremely timid meeting new people at vet or grooming or at pet mart, why? We took him to training and finished 2 eight week sessions but still timid away from home what can we do?

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Mar 06, 2009
Training a timid schnauzer
by: Jack F.

A dog,s temperament is displayed as soon as they spend their first hours with their mothers, some some bravely smell around and find their way to suckle while some pups yelp out in alarm. As they develop their hearing and their sight, so does the confidence in trusting its senses. When pups socialize, their experiences are different. They gain more confidence to the point of showing their pack leading character too far or they just settle in being a happy go lucky type of pack dog. In contrast, a pup that experienced a traumatic event becomes more scared and timid with its cowering look and at times its tail between its legs. A scared dog will not always be one, with proper training, they take steps to outgrow the imprint of fear.

Your Miniature Schnauzer sounds like he is on the timid side, but perfectly happy in a close environment he feels comfortable with.

Next time you take him our to the park, try to encourage lots of people with dogs to come up and pat him and let their dogs sniff at him.

With the help of family and friends with dogs, provide a box for your pet to do a sit/stay while standing beside him while people walk around and past you and your pet. You can also train in a pet park where pets mingle with other pets supervised by their owners (ask them to help you in training this step). After this, have your pet in a sit/stay in the middle of the room or open space while people simply pass by your dog and maybe give it a gentle pat or just call it by its name softly. Little by little your pet will get used to the crowding of people and would lose its scared and confused look after time.

Agility can also boost confidence and schnauzers usually love this. Learning to jump, climb or weave can really help skittish dogs to become more self-assured. You can either find an agility class to join, or create some simple activities of your own. Even something as basic as getting your pet to jump over a small piece of wood, which you gradually make higher, can make a big difference. Praise lavishly!

Last but not least, be sure never to pet your dog while afraid. Praise your dog after he’s acting more relaxed, and encourage him to receive a treat or a pat from your friend.

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