Schnauzer losing weight

(Nada Glavan)

My 2 year old black miniature has suddenly lost a good amount of weight, his once muscular body has become quite sinewy with skin that I can pull away like a pup's.
This has all happened rather quickly as I recall just thinking recently how solid and muscular he was- not fat! without an ounce of loose flesh. he seems healthy with a shiny coat.
He does spend his days playing and chasing our new 7 month old pup so he does exert a lot of energy but that has been the same for the past few months.
He is regularly wormed, heart wormed and has all his injections up to date.
Anu ideas?

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Aug 01, 2013
Weight Loss
by: Chuck Smith

If your dog is losing weight quickly I ask that you please take him to a vet. If he don't help your dog in a week or two then try a different vet. My little girl "Shadow" had these symptoms and I thought it was from some medication that she was on. WRONG. Today my heart is so broken because she passed away this past Sunday evening. I told my wife Sunday that I was going to try a different vet as we had her to our normal vet over 4 times and he wasn't helping her. She didn't make it to Monday so I could. Don't ever assume or wait. Get help. :((
So sorry to hear of your loss

Sep 24, 2011
Yes, take him NOW
by: Anonymous

Yes, take him NOW. It can be many things. It sounds like he's also dehydrated which can be dangerous.

Sep 15, 2011
Take your dog to the vet now
by: Betsy

Take him to the vet immediately. Probably nothing serious, but with dogs, as well as humans, a significant weight loss in a short time can be an indication of something serious. Make sure now.

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