Schnauzer becomes a pit bull

We recently adopted a rescue Schnauzer who is an 8 year old neutered male named Ben.He is a wonderful dog. we have only had him 2 weeks but he has really come out of his shell.
My questions is .......when we are walking on a leash and come acoss any dog he becomes extremely aggressive, we said he turns into a little pit bull.
How can we correct this behavior? We have only had labs in the past from puppies and don't quite know how to deal with this.
Other than that, Ben is a real gentle soul.

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Mar 12, 2012
getting all the facts
by: Anonymous

I was slightly offended to read your post... at first. As a "pit bull" owner (he is actually an amstaff and pit bull is not a bred but a generic term) I was turned off by what you said. However, I do realize that the media plays a major role in educating the masses and I am able to laugh about it after considering that you are not into the larger boxy headed breads and not as knowledgeable on their character. Please read up on them as they are not like how they are precieved by the general public (mine enjoys going to see the children at the hospital and visits a senior citizen home weekly).
That being said, my rant is over. Our mini schnauzer goes crazy when she sees anything outside including her reflection. But when she gets close she starts to sniff(her reflection) and acts like she should when approaching other dogs. She is 7 months old. We started taking her to the dog park a week after she had her rabies vaccine. She was timid and got aggressive when other dogs or people approached. We walked a few feet away from her and let her figure other out on her own without giving her a safe place to act aggressive. By the second time she had it all figured out on her own. Now she runs up to new people and dogs and does polite introductions until she gets a feel for them and figures out how to play with them. She will scream when she gets stepped on but will charge right back in with tail nub wagging! I think an aggressive dog class might be overkill for what your describing. I would try some socialization first. Best of luck!

Feb 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

we have just had our first meeting with a trainer and are continuing with the training. thanks for you imput and keep me posted.

Feb 21, 2011
doggie school!
by: Anonymous

My schnauzer who I rescued has aggressive behaviors towards other dogs as well. Not so much the issue while walking him but he does show his teeth sometimes and snip at other dogs. He is also very protective of me and the house. I heard this is common in this breed and Im looking into getting him into bad dog behavioral classes. That may be an option for you as well. They will show you how to correct this behavior! Good luck!

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