Schnauzer barks at people without dogs

by brian

just re-homed a mini schnauzer - 3 year old boy. well trained, obedient but with one serious problem - he likes all other dogs but not people without dogs. When we meet people with dogs he is fine, without a dog he may seriously bark at them. There's no pattern - mew, women, with or without bags, sticks etc. Not always but when he does t can be serious problem. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: This is unusual behaviour and obviously something has triggered it, but not knowing fully his background, it is not easy to know why.
He is obviously suspicious of people without dogs. We would try walking him around and getting some dog-loving friends to walk past him - if he barks, make sure they act in a friendly way towards him and make a fuss of him so he learns he has nothing to fear from unaccompanied humans.

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Jun 02, 2014
Reply to Linda and Max
by: Pam

He's has actually always done it but now he is bigger, it's more threatening to people and as a result I tend not to let him off lead so as to avoid the problem. ( he is a lot bigger than all other mini shcnauzers that I've seen)!
NOTE FROM LINDA ANZ MAX: It would be a good idea if you could let him off the leash with another dog that you know, leaving him on the leash may only increase his aggressive behaviour. By the way, Max is a very big Miniature Schnauzer as well, we like his long legs!

May 24, 2014
Barking at people without dogs
by: Pam

I thought mine was the only Schnauzer barking at people without dogs when we go out. He also barks at people on bikes. No-one would guess how soft and friendly he is - judging by this quite vicious barking.

He is 3 and very well socialised and there is no real reason that we know why this happens. When he gets to the people - he just greets them, having sounded awful as they approach.

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: He might just be announcing his arrival now that he is 3 and a bit more confident!

Mar 10, 2014
Schnauzer barks at people without dogs
by: Toni

I too, am suspicious of people without Your dog may be smarter than you think and connects the dots in his mind that if the person doesn't have a dog, he is not to be trusted near him as a dog. I totally agree with Linda and Max and couldn't add another thing! Keep trying. Sounds like you have one smart cookie there!

That made us laugh, Toni!

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