Scabs on schnauzer's ears

by Jen

My mini schnauzer has scabs on the tips of his ears. One of the scabs bleeds every time he shakes his head. What is the cause of his scabs?

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Oct 05, 2013
scabs on ears
by: Anonymous

i have a dashund / Chihuahua cross. he developed same type of scabs in his ears, right at the tips. I took him to vet today, his ears are crystal ear mites. I am using poly sporin on scabs 3 times a day, gave him an oatmeal conditioner on his entire body and tomorrow will give him Multi-Advantage. he was also wormed again. \I am hoping this will help because my vet wants to do a biopsy on his ear...I really don't want to put him through that..
I will let you know if my treatments will keeping my fingers crossed

Oct 05, 2013
scabs on ears
by: Anonymous

i have a dashund / Chihuahua cross. he developed same type of scabs in his ears, right at the tips. I took him to vet today, his ears are crystal ear mites.
I am using poly sporin on scabs 3 times a day, gave him an oatmeal conditioner on his entire body and tomorrow will give him Multi-Advantage. he was also wormed again.
I am hoping this will help because my vet wants to do a biopsy on his ear...I really don't want to put him through that..
I will let you know if my treatments will keeping my fingers crossed

Feb 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

Has your mini schnauzer been scratching his ears?
Ear infections INSIDE the ear are sometimes a problem with mini schnauzers as they have narrow, furry ears which get hot inside and breed infections or mites. Maybe his ears are itching inside and he is scratching them, causing rthe outside to bleed?
Is the inside of his ear hot or smelly?

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