Running buddy

I'm training to run for a 1/2 marathon, and right now I'm still doing a small mileage (2-3 miles), is it ok to take my schnauzer with me? He is 15 months old and has BUNDLES of energy. And how far will be a safe distance for him to run?

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Jul 17, 2011
I say go for it, but build up the milage gradually
by: Mr sporty

I have a mini schauzer and I take mine running any distance up to a half marathon. I waited till she was 15 months old before I started, so she it wouldn't damage her bones while she was still growing. Now she is just over 2 years old and she is an accomplished runner. She always manages to keep up and I am not that slow, having done my first marathon in April in 3 hours 29 minutes. You can't go overnight from nothing to 21km though - I think you should build it up over 2 months or so. I know when mine is getting tired because she always likes to run just ahead of me but when she starts getting tired she drops back just behind me. When that happens I ease off the pace a bit. The other thing to watch is that they don't get overheated. When it's a hot day I go running in the morning or in the evening. If you are interested I have a training blog at

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