Puppy owner - mini and standard schnauzer mix

I have a rather big mini schnauzer 6 months old.

He is a fair bit bigger than the other mini schnauzers that we see.

We know there is a standard schnauzer somewhere in his background. Have you any idea how big he might get - or are they fully grown by 6 months?
He measures 16 inches to the shoulder.

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Dec 19, 2011
Mini Standard mix
by: Anonymous

I have a min-standard mix. He is 1 year 4mos and 27 lbs. The Vet stated he could top out at 30 lbs. His mom was a mini and 14 lbs. His dad was a standard and 40 lbs.

It is possible you have a large mini. Just like humans, we come in all sizes.

Hope this helps you out!

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