Pictures too large

by Toni
(New York State USA)

I submitted a story about my Mini-Schnauzer, Gypsy, and included several pictures. Then I tried to submit another story, and kept getting an error code that the pictures were too large. I cropped them, but still get the same error code. The new picture was taken with the same camera, and is the same size, if not smaller. Can anyone advise about this? The directions I was given to use some other software did not work for me. Thank you. Toni


sorry to hear you're having problems.
If you have a photo programme and can alter your Image Size from 300dpi to 72 dpi, that should help, or try renaming and resaving your images and, if they are Jpegs, save them at a smaller size.
Hope that's not too technical!

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Aug 12, 2013
Pics too large of Gypsy..
by: Michele

Toni.. Linda and Max are right .. but if you want to post your pics of Gypsy, which I know you do, I will gladly help you ..
If you send me your pics in and email, as attachments, I will then re-size them for you and post them on here, in your name, with your permission.. My Email is..

I live in the UK and have an Apple imac computer... so there will be no problem, I hope..
Look forward to hearing from you, if what Linda advised does not work.. Michele x

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