one hairless eye - why?

by Kathleen

Has anyone experienced this; my 6 year old schoodle, Leah, has lost all of her hair around her right eye. But not her eyelashes, just the 1/4 inch of hair circling her eye. There wasn't any scratching or apparent reason, the hair came out over 3-5 days. It's been a month, and now, she's starting to scratch the area where there isn't hair (around her eye).
The other eye hasn't lost any hair. Her diet and routines are the same.
thank you, kathleen

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May 22, 2013
2 thoughts
by: Betsy, Alpharetta, GA

I don't have any idea what the cause could be I would put some ( on the area for a few days. Also, since the area is near the eye I would also consider a quick vet visit. Primarily, because the hair loss could have been caused by some infection and next thing it would get into the eye.

Hope the hair grows back soon

May 21, 2013
Schnoodle lost hair round right eye
by: Wendy

We had a little mongrel dog that this happened to. We had to get our big mongrel dog put down and they had lived together all their lives. We thought it may have been his way of dealing with this loss. He was a little nervous and neurotic sometimes. Then after a few months the hair gradually came back in.
He did not scratch though. Has your Schnoodle been bitten or any mites on the go? Just keep a close eye on it and watch for any change in the skin. Also the scratching he might break the skin.
At this time of year there are lots of things coming to life.
Don't worry give it a little time or you could phone the vet for advice but don't rush to the vet "ca/ching!"

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