One eye open!

by Deborah Fulgium
(Texas, USA)

I trimmed Janette's (my dog)hair. She hates me to mess with her hair on less I'm rubbing her. lol After finishing her hair I turned around to talk to her on my bed and she had gone to her bed, curled up in tight ball and had one eye open looking at me with such attitude. It was so funny. I laughed and laughed. You would have had to be here to understand how funny she was looking at me with one eye. Such a look on her face. She was mad as hell at me. I didn't hurt her, actually helping her by trimming her hair. She was just mad at me for messing with her hair. You would have to own a Schnauzer to understand! lol

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: We love it! And know just what you mean...sometimes they give us a look like they are human

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Jun 10, 2014
Laughter Response
by: Phil Medway

Dogs do indeed laugh themselves, that huffing sound they make when playing; however they do not always understand human laughter. Dogs that have been groomed can respond to their owners laughter and gesturing as "Something is wrong with me now". Dogs that get injured and hear laughter tuck tails, and retreat. Dogs that are bewildered, upon hearing laughter, experience reinforcement of that emotion. I am certain you did not intend to upset your beloved Schnauzer but don't be surprised to hear a few doggy sniggers the next time you come home with a new hair do.
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Your comment also made us chuckle, Phil! Nice one.

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