My Miniature Schnauzer Eyebrow Sadness

I have a lovable black Miniature Schnauzer who just turned 2 this past March. He is extremely playful and energetic, plus super smart. Every now and then he will go through a stage lasting a few days or so where he acknowledges his eyebrows multiple times, (he keeps looking up at them)- bothering him so much that he doesn't even want to play. It seems he doesn't understand what they are (they aren't even long, he goes to the groomers every 1-2 months & sometimes I try to trim them even shorter to see if it helps but only makes it worse since I am putting attention towards them). When he notices them, he will keep looking up constantly, sometimes to the point where he is about to fall backwards.
If it bothers him so much, he will randomly jolt under the bed where its dark so he can't seem them anymore. I tried to see if I could find anyone else experiencing this with their Schnauzer but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have any advice of what I should do, like getting rid of his eyebrows all together?
Me and my fiance will do just about anything to ease his mind of this issue. Thank you for reading! :)

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Sep 18, 2012
shnauzer same problem
by: jane

I am also with the same problem with my shnauzer. He is five yrs old and as just started doing the same thing constantly staring upwards.
The vet checked his eyes and says they look fine, but he also his now acting nervous and unsettled because of this.
I am at a loss with what to do to fix the problem and wondered if yours had stopped with this now or have found out the problem.
I know my dog and know this is not his normal behavour hope to hear back from u. x

May 02, 2012
An actual eye problem
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ga

I would take him to the vet immediately.

He may have a problem with his eyes. Possibly not able to focus properly at times or something like that. The fact that he runs under the bed may be caused by light hurting his eyes. And, I have known dogs to have ingrown eyelashes which can cause much pain.
It would surprise me to learn that he is simply fascinated with his eyelashes.

May 02, 2012
Eyebrows Issue
by: Michele

I would take him to your vet as it may be his eyes that are at fault .. not his eyebrows.... don't get rid of them , as this will change his Character and may make him feel naked... The whole point of eyebrows on a Schnauzer is that this is part of his look.. don't get upset as I'm sure he'll be ok... he is only 2 and as you say very playful etc... every-time he looks up at them .. attract his attention to something different .. a treat on the floor so he'll know that a treat is better than nearly falling over.. how about a photo of him so we can see the problem you have..

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