My love for Chisquis

by Joyce
(Mission Tx.)

Chisquis loves pictures

Chisquis loves pictures

This is chisquis my one and only boy. I had Never had a dog like him and am glad I have him by my side.
When I first saw him he was in a basket that my aunt had brought from where she worked she told us that the owner didn't want these dogs, so she took them in.
They where all muddy and ugly, not in very good condition. All of my other coisins bought a puppy from my aunt, but I saw that there was only one puppy that was very small with huge pointy ears and quiet.
I looked at him and told myself I want this one. My aunt said are you sure? I said yes, I am positive.
So then when I got home I gave him a good meal then showered him good.When I picked up his head to cut his hair, I saw that one eye was white and the other is normal.
I stopped just for a second ad said to myself my puppy is blind in one eye. So then I just continued to cut his hair and remove his knots. I didn't care if he was blind or not, I loved him so much because he was so small and cute.
Then the days passed by and I found out that the only reason my cousins didn't want him was because of his defect. But I have now had 3yrs with chisquis and he is my little guardian. He's always with me when I am sick and hates it when my brothers pretend to hit me. He stands in front and will do anything to protect me, he is a wonderful dog an very smart.
I also love the fact That I can be gone for 10 minuntes and come back home and he is there waiting for me, looking out the window and receives me with so much love.
He knows how much I love him, I just know he does. I can feel his love for me and it's so wierd how they know who looks up to him, who feeds him, bathes him and is there when he feels sick.
I know he knows I am his Mom because he is only with me all the time, even thought I have 2 brothers and a sister. I am glad I found him that day an am more than happy with him by my side.
Chisquis & Joyce

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