My 9yr Mini Schnauzer has been placed on Denamarin 1x daily. Within 15-20 min after taking this medication he is fast asleep. Time of day does not matter same reaction.

by Cheryl D
(Arizona )

Why would this occur? He in general is very sensitive to meds and anesthesia has been his whole life. The vet states unusual as nothing in studies have shown dogs or cats to have this side effect. When I look up what is in this medication it states SamE is the second main ingredient. I looked up SamE and it affects the Serotonin in the brain.
If this is the case then he should be on Milk Thistle alone. When presented to the Vet he says
Does not recommend just Milk Thistle I have checked on line and found great results who switched their dog to just Milk Thistle w/oSamE in it, just pure Crushed seed
And received great results. Vet states won’t follow LT care if I switch???
Please assist as I fully understand Mini Schnauzers are susceptible to seizure and strokes
and I sure do not want this to begin. Thank you for your expertise

Comments for My 9yr Mini Schnauzer has been placed on Denamarin 1x daily. Within 15-20 min after taking this medication he is fast asleep. Time of day does not matter same reaction.

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Sep 17, 2019
by: Linda

You don’t say how bad your dog was before the medication. Your dog seems to be having a reaction to the medication.
If his initial condition was not acute, I would either get him in a different medication straight away or try him on a homeopathic remedy and see how he goes.
If milk thistle or similar do not seem to be doing anything, get him back to the vet and ask for a different med.
If his condition was serious, it may not be a good idea to entirely remove medication so ask the vet to switch meds, but a natural remedy may be the way to go.
Good luck.

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