My 5 month old mini schnauzer biting problem

My 5 month old mini schnauzer bites likes crazy and for the past couple of days she tries to bite the air. Anybody knows what us going on?

Sounds like puppy biting - it's normal there are various techniques to help her grow out of this

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Mar 22, 2014
Chewing is the answer
by: Phil Medway

Puppies experience pain as their adult teeth come through. You can massage their gums, give them a chewy toy with a tiny bit of bacon grease on to keep them chewing the right thing! You can buy one of those dog ropes wet it and put it in the freezer then give it to them to chew outside as the coldness will help until the water melts.

The above things while helping your pup will also stop your best shoes getting chewed!

Mar 22, 2014
Biting .. no problem..
by: Michele

Your 5 month old girl is probably teething.. I suggest you but her some Nylabones from the pet shop and chews specially for puppies.. DO NOT give here bones from the butcher as they splinter then she will be in serious trouble if she swallows the pieces.. the bones can get stuck in her throat or even cause a blockage, then it'll be a trip to your vet.. never throw sticks as these a very dangerous.. I know of a puppy German Shepherd that used to catch sticks.. one day the stick went down her throat and she had to be operated on due to the fact that her respiratory system stopped functioning 100%..

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