My 4 year old is jealous of our rescued 15 year old.

by JanetGP

Recently we rescued a 15 1/2 year old Schnauzer, now called Rudder, that was dropped off at the local shelter because his family "didn't have anywhere to keep him". He was in pretty poor condition - matted, serious dental disease, skinny and in-tact, and he didn't know his own name. So after being shaved, having 14 teeth pulled and neutered, he came home to live with my husband and I and our 4 year old male Schnauzer, Schooner. The four year old is SLOWLY coming around but after almost a month, he still will growl, knock over and do almost anything whenever we give Rudder attention. Schooner will get between Rudder and my husband and I at every opportunity pushing the new guy away and exhibiting big signs of jealousy. We have tried to keep Schooner's routine the same so that he won't feel that his life has changed completely. Any advice on how to deal with or eliminate this jealousy would be so helpful!

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Jul 17, 2015
Rescued old Schnauzer
by: Wendy Raeburn

Firstly Well Done saving that old doggie he is a lucky boy ! :-). It is very early days for the boys so don't be put off. There will always be one dog who is the boss and The young one sounds like it'll be him but the old one won't mind really. You are correct to give him a telling off when he growls at the older one and it'll start to sink in. You are going to have some laughs with this situation, please enjoy them because they all have their own character but they are animals so give it time. Xxx

Jul 17, 2015
by: Betty

Our 4 yr mini schnauzer girl would show jealousy of my husband and I hugging or paying attention to each other. We tell her no and explain that this is mom or dad and we love them too them we hug each other and then hug her...she's calmed down her jealousy unless she's tired.

Jul 17, 2015
by: JanetGP

Thanks for your suggestion, Linda. Schooner has been an only SPOILED only child for almost four years so it's going to take a while for him to come around. This morning Rudder stood his ground and let Schooner know he'd had enough. So we're getting a little help from our "old man"! Keep the suggestions coming.

Jul 17, 2015
by: Linda

I am sorry I am not an animal behaviourist. The good news is that Schooner seems to be slightly better. Schnauzers love their people and do get jealous of your attention of others. If that were Max I would keep him separated but so he can see me giving attention to the other dog. When he growls say NO or whatever your no sound is and make him watch you pet the other dog. Then pat Schooner afterwards, but don't make a huge fuss of him. Do this with the horses, Max is jealous of me giving them attention but he is slowly learning that he is not the only creature in my universe. It's a bit like only child syndrome and he has to learn to share. Hope that helps!

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