my 2 year old schnauzer was dropped off by an old lady who claimed she could not take care of him

by Nensi Pembe
(Austin, Texas)

He is sweet and constantly licks but I think it is a nervous lick. I adopted him about a month ago. I think he has a wild streak in him. He was doing fine and getting connected with me but last Sunday he snapped at me and made me bleed just above my lip.
I am now a little afraid of him and distrustful as well because he also snapped at my elderly parents..I have had 2 schnauzers before him and never had an issue. Should I give him another chance or take him to a shelter?
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Sounds like he has some insecurity issues. We would recommend trying to train him first before giving up on him. He needs to gain your trust and give you his. Get some training advice - or a book to help you and don't put your face near him until you know you can really trust him and he is comfortable with you.
Good luck .

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Apr 25, 2014
by: Phil Medway

Has the lad been neutered? This could be a nervous reaction or a dominance issue. Either way if he is a whole dog neutering will have a calming effect.

Apr 25, 2014
by: Michele

Please whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP on him as he must be worried and confused having been dumped off… he is really still a puppy even though he is only two.. You must take him to training school and re-gain his confidence.. and LOVE HIM and STROKE HIM speaking to him, softly, all the time assuring him that you will not and never give up on him and that you love him.. Don't shout at him or scold him ..
Be Patient and he will realise that he is safe with you and your family.. Don't put your face near his as he might take this as as threat.. he has to trust you and know that you'll never hurt him.. EVER.. Train with Treats and he'll Reward you in the end… Schnauzers are very loving, gentle and sensible but they do learn fast.. My two year old .. Benji, takes a biscuit out of my mouth.. well not actually out as the end of the biscuit sticks out…
Linda and Max have given you the correct advice..

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