Miniature Schnauzer teeth chattering continuously -help

Does anyone know possible causes of teeth chattering? Our 6 yr old is continuously chattering his teeth.

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Sep 29, 2017
15 year old Miniature Schnauzer
by: Anonymous

My Abby has recently started teeth chattering, She is startled by any noise, loud or quiet! All four legs are now shaking when she gets excited or startled.

Jan 04, 2015
Miniature Schnauzer teeth chattering
by: Anonymous

We had the same problem with teeth chattering with a 10 yr old female mini-schnauzer. She also had VERY bad breath.

The short story is we took her to the vet and ended up having to have 4 teeth removed. No more chattering teeth or bad breath, but not cheap $.

Jan 16, 2013
Vet visit
by: Phil Medway

Hi dogs sometimes do this through excitement or nervousness. The other reason is when they have toothache so take a look you may need a visit to the vet's.

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