Miniature schnauzer bumps cured

by Gale
( Grand Forks, ND)

My miniature schnauzer suffered from an attack of pancreatitis last year. After she was treated with antibiotics our vet recommended that we use PRN brand Prozyme, as it aids in digestion. We mixed in with her food at the dosage the vet recommended and much to our surprise Her schnauzer bumps are completely gone! Her coat is shiny and beautiful. We will continue to use this product every day . I just wanted to share this story because we tried many different specialty shampoos and none of them worked like this did. I want to pass on this knowledge to other schnauzer owners.

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Jul 11, 2019
by: Dottie

Does this stuff work for the Schunazer bumps? Or does anyone have a sugestion that will help my miniture schunaer?

Jul 10, 2019
Desperate for help
by: Dottie

Thank you so much for the information. My miniture Schunazer has had pancreatic an was hospitalized for a week but I wasn't told to add this to his food, now he's suffering from the black Schunazer bumps, they have gotten really bad. I'm going to add this to his food and see if that helps him. Thanks for the info. Hopefully it will help my fur baby.

May 10, 2018
Thank you!
by: Linda

That is very interesting. Many thanks for sharing this useful information, and so glad your Schnauzer’s bumps have gone.

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