Miniature Schnauzer bipolar?

by Rachel
(Las Vegas)

My mini is super sweet to my mom and loves her one minute, then, almost like he forgets who she is altogether, goes crazy and barks at the sight of her.

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Oct 27, 2019
sweet and barking
by: Linda

Hi Rachel,
you don't say how old your Mini is. If he is old, say 11 onwards, then it may be a sign of dementia.
If,. as I suspect, your Mini is younger, then it is highly unlikely he is bipolar.
Some Minis are very highly strung and bark at the least excuse - often they are of a nervous disposition and usually they need more socialisation - i.e. mixing more often with other animals, people, noises, new situations, etc.
your Mini could be fine when alone with your Mom, but maybe be jealous if you are there and so barking at your Mom.
Take a look at the situations when he barks. does it change between him being sweet and him barking -are you around both times? Doe he feel threatened/nervous or is he jealous?
Say NO! in a very strict voice when he barks at your Mom and make sure he gets more socialisation and so is easier and more relaxed around other people and new experiences.
Get your Mom to give him treats, or have some handy in her pocket when he or she visits.
Good luck,

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