Mini schnauzer won't pee - anyone know why?

by Connie
(Boynton beach, Fl)

I have a 3 yr old male schnauzer. Suddenly refuses to go outside and just holds his pee. From night to morning elimination, at times he won't go for 12 to 14 hours.
After getting him outdoors he just sits on his butt and will not move. Happens periodically during the day. Had him vet checked, full blood panel and nothing out of order.
It is as though he is afraid to move outdoors. He does not appear to be in any type of pain.
He has never eliminated in the house, so that is not a problem.
Anyone else ever have this happen?

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Mar 05, 2013
can't pee
by: Anonymous

Just because bloods don't show anything this means nothing.
My mini aged 2 has just died from kidney disease.

she drank lots but didnt seem to pee as much.

In hindsight the signs were there from sept after having gastro, but bloods kept coming back normal.

Her bloods were fine until 8th jan when they dropped like a stone. Scan revealed small kidneys and kidney failure. She died a month later.

If in doubt please have a scan. Just for reasurance. I wish we were offered one earlier.

I would hate for anyone else to go through this for the sake of an ultrasound.

Feb 28, 2013
Could something have scared or bitten him?
by: Betsy, Alpharetta, GA

I'm sure the obvious question has been asked. Is he drinking enough water?

What comes to my mind is that maybe something scared him at one time when he was urinating. Or, possibly bit him. He might be afraid that the same thing will happen to him again.

Have you tried walking him on a leash? He might
be more inclined to take care of business if his little mind was on something else.

Feb 27, 2013
Not doing pipi
by: Michele

Have you tried taking him a walk where he
can sniff where other make or female dogs
have done their toilet. Sometimes also
schnauzers get kidney stones in their male
organ too. ive never had a problem as my boys
pipi on Command especially if I say Hurry
Up. Hope all is well & is he drinking enough..

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