Mini Schnauzer is chasing hind quarters - HELP!

by Liz
(Phoenix, AZ)

Our two year old Mini Schnauzer chases his hind quarters. Sometimes he will lick the back of his leg. This behavior increases at night. Some nights no one gets any sleep in our house because our dog is so restless.

So far we have changed his diet, treated with antibiotics, anxiety medications, holistic medications, baby powder, Gold Bond powder, tried several different products for itching, used hypo-allergenic shampoos and sprays, regularly cleaned out his anal sacs, and have seen multiple vets. No one can offer a solution.

We are at our wits end. Does anyone have any advice?

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May 17, 2012
Chasing hind quarters
by: Anonymous

Hmm, have you considered looking into a different sleep routine? Perhaps it's his way of dealing with being alone. I don't know the sleeping arrangement but he may realize he gets more attention this way; also he knows you haven't abandoned him because you're awakened by his behaviour. It may not be allergies so much as anxiety-I'm not sure though. Hope you can figure something out for everyone's sake! Good luck :)

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