Mini Schnauzer 7 years old tired and aloof

by Nancy

My schnauzer is acting really tired and aloof lately. I am really worried because I had a Schnauzer before that died at 7 from diabetes. He does not have excessive thirst, or anything like that. I wonder if he is depressed because I do not see a friend that was close to him anymore? I don"t know what to do, and can't afford the vet. Any suggestions?

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Jan 17, 2016
Can't Afford a Vet?
by: Anonymous

Vets fees are so ridiculous nowadays it's a scandal. It really needs investigation. You never see a poor one do you? Saying that though you have to have him checked out, supposing he had diabetes or cancer you'd never forgive yourself. Ask your vet if they would accept divided payments that's what I did.

Jan 17, 2016
strange one
by: Linda and Max

He may be depressed if there are no physical signs of injury or disease.
Try playing with a toy or playing with him to see if you can cheer him up.
Keep an eye out for any other physical changes -check his body for injuries.
It's good that he's not drinking more than usual, that rules a couple of things out.
Check he doesn't smell odd and that he does not have an ear infection.
hopefully he may cheer up. If he IS ill, you may have to take him to the vet.
Good luck.

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