Leaving giant schnauzer outside

Would it be ok to leave a 6 month old giant schnauzer outside (in a fenced in area) for an entire day? I don't want to crate him that long and I can't leave him free in the house because he is still chewing.

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Apr 13, 2015
not outside
by: Anonymous

The breeder should have vetted you and questioned if he will be on his own all day wrong dog to be left all day shouldn't have bought a dog

Apr 07, 2015
from kaiser
by: kaiser

Please don't leave me outside, I am not meant to be outside. I need lots of human contact and love and attention then I will be the most loyal dog you could wish for. Treating me wrong or cruel will give you more trouble

Apr 03, 2015
NEVER EVER leave him outside all day
by: Michele ( Benji, Rebel & Rambo

DEFINITELY NOT .. he is young, 6 months.. but the Schnauzer .. whichever size is not designed to be left outside all day, nor crated all day either, especially a puppy.. you'll be asking for trouble..and he will have problems.. Why on earth did you get a Giant Schnauzer if you were not prepared to be with him at home… As Linda says FENCE off part of your home .. or better still buy him a very sturdy puppy pen and give him plenty of SAFE CHEWS.. Teach him with love not to chew up your home… NEVER EVER Shout or Smack him as these dogs are very sensitive. If you teach him now he will respond as they learn quickly.. He will be bored if he not walked.. If you are unable to walk him daily, then you have made the wrong decision by buying a dog.. any dog must be a member of a Family.. and have regular walks every day..

Apr 03, 2015
cruel to leave him outside
by: Anonymous

Why have a puppy if you are leaving them all day I created my youngster but only couple of hrs at some time

Apr 03, 2015
No, sorry
by: Linda

No, all three sizes of schnauzer are indoor dogs. Their coats and temperament are not designed for outdoor life.
All day is too long to crate, as you say.

All young dogs chew, fence off an area INSIDE your house where he will be safe -and won't chew the house to bits

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