Jealous schnauzer urinating in the house

My 9 year old Colton, who was a rescue that I had since he was 4, all of a sudden started urinating in the house.
I bought dog diapers hoping to cure this problem, but it is worse. I took him to the vet for blood work, everything came back normal. The problem started when my new puppy, Max was about 1 1/2. Colton was a wonderful babysitter when Max was small and they played all day long. They play spar now as well.
They are both jealous of my attention and rival for it. They both get seperate attention and are spoiled. I'm at wit's end.
Please Help!!!!!

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Jan 08, 2012
Jealous Schnauzer
by: Michele

Well I do not understand this .. you seem to have lovely and spoilt schnauzers...maybe too spoilt.. I guess your older boy is marking his territory, telling the other that it's his spot, and to stay away... Do not give them " Separate Attention" this could trigger JEALOUSY.. you have 2 hands praise both together and take them out together even if you have to have one on your left side and one on your right side.. I used to have 4 dogs, 2 Yorkies and 2 Schnauzers and never had a problem. I always took all 4 out together, but also I ALWAYS took my 2 Schnauzers out together, if the Yorkies stayed inside... which they sometimes did, on bad weather days.. Schnauzers are not normally the Jealous kind.. maybe he had competition at the Rescue this could be the reason for his jealousy.. Don't, spoil then so much, and the situation I'm sure will improve..Have either of them been Castrated ?..

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