Itching Solution and yeasty smell

by Virginia

My dog is on hypoallergic food and claritin everyday and still is scratching.
Has a smell to him, that I think might be yeast????
Anybody know of home remedy for this? I can't keep him on antibiotics constantly.

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Sep 19, 2011
Food allergy
by: Anonymous

Your dog sounds like it is Allergic to potatoes. Switch to a potato free food

Aug 22, 2011
Itching Solution
by: Ann G

My poor schnauzer was biting and itching constantly. My vet said that he may be allergic to grasses and pollens because it seems to only happen in the warmer months.

Anyway, she told me to wipe an astringent on his back because he had little bumps all over it. I bought the Stridex Naturals pads that teenagers use for acne. I started wiping his back every day for the last week and he's not scratching anymore..amazing. Make sure you get the formula with no alchohol so it doesn't dry his skin, if this sounds similar to your situation.

Good luck!

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