Is my minature schnauzer marking her territory



My minature schnauzer is house trained.. However we have taken her to several of our friends homes and she pees and poops in their house.. Why is she doing this ? She doesn't do this in our home..

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Oct 20, 2014
Good luck!
by: Linda

She is probably marking territory where there is another dog, hopefully she will be OK at your new house as she will be the only dog there. But give it a good clean might want to try a pet odour eliminator, it will not get rid of the smell for her, but will reduce it.
Good luck!

Oct 20, 2014
by: charlotte

Thanks for getting back to me.. yes she is dominate and yes my friends have a male dog.. We are closing on our new house this week and our new home had pets in the home so I'm worried she may try and mark her territory there as well? Thanks for your advice.

Oct 19, 2014
unwelcome guest!
by: Linda

Yes, it sounds as though it is a behavioural issue if she does not do it at home.
Have your friends got dogs? And is she normally a dominant female?
You will have to keep a close eye on her, catch her in the act and then speak very sternly to her and remove her from the house - maybe remove her from your company or put her outside/in the car for a short period as a punishment ie, depriving her of your company if she does this (DO NOT smack her).
The important thing is to catch her in the act and then take immediate action.

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