Is it the end of the road for this Schnauzer?

My girlfriend has a 14 yr old schnauzer and he has been having a rough time lately.
His leg doesn't seem to want to work at times, so getting up isn't fun for him. I know he's been throwing up and doesn't want to move out of it.
Is this a sign of old age and can get better or it just him being sick?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Feb 17, 2012
14 year old Schnauzer
by: Anonymous

Schnauzers are also prone to Pancreatitis. My 6 year old had this, although we caught it almost within a day of her coming down with it. One very early sign is the vomiting. If it is advanced there is likely pain and may be his reason for not being able to get up so be sure it is not just his leg he is nursing. It is treatable and it's best to spread their meals out in smaller amounts to make it easier to digest. But please take him to the vet.

Jan 06, 2012
Vet check
by: Anonymous

You have made no mention of what your vet said.
If you have not taken the dog to a vet, yes, as Michele said, please take him there at once.

The leg problem could possibly be just arthritis or something simple to manage to make him comfortable.
Throwing up may be something very serious, or , hopefully could be something as simple as changing his diet to something more suitable to an older dog.

Jan 05, 2012
14 year old Schnauzer
by: Michele

Your girlfriend's Schnauzer is a good age and it is possible that he is suffering and being sick I think is a sign of Kidney Failure or Liver Damage.. PLEASE take him to your vet and then you'll be able to have a proper diagnoses.. maybe you vet will have a remedy..or tell you what you don't want to hear, but you MUST be kind to him. Do not let him suffer.. you have to be Cruel to be Kind for his sake..My Ringo was 15 years when he passed away peacefully in my arms,even though I called my vet, who came but did nothing...

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