Inflammatory bowel disease in schnauzer

by JJ

Why does my female mini schnauzer keep getting Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

for those of our readers who are not familiar with this ailment, here are a few facts about it:
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a generic term to describe many conditions with similar signs. They do, howeverm, have different causes. Inflammatory bowel disease can also be called, Chronic Colitis, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lymphocytic-plasmacytic Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Regional Enteritis, Granulomatous Enteritis or Spastic Bowel Syndrome, depending on what symptoms predominate.
In short, any time your dog's intestine staysirritated over a long period, some form of IBD is present.
To further confuse matters, Irritable Bowel Syndrome in dogs, which is a stress-related canine condition, has similar symptoms to and is often confused with IBD.

Occasional intestinal and stomach disorders are very common in dogs. Most cases are caused by eating things your they shouldn't - like rotten food, spicy treats, or trash. These usually cause diarrhea and are then over in a few days. But dogs with IBD have loose stools and diarrhea day after day.

When things irritate the lining of your dog's intestine, they cause food to move through it faster. With time, this irritation causes the lining to thicken and become inflamed. Blood and tissue cells that normally fight bacteria and other invaders, accumulate within the lining of the inflamed intestines causing cramping, pain, colic, diarrhea and distress. These fragile intestines are more likely to bleed and they allow unhealthy intestinal organisms to proliferate and displace the healthy ones. These changes also make it harder for your pet to absorb nutrients from its food. When the beginning portions of the intestine are involved, the pet may also vomit or loose its appetite. When the final portions of the intestine are involved, the stool is loose, frequent, watery and sticky with mucus. Bright blood is often present when the lower intestine is involved (colitis).
These problems can be every now and again or continuous. When the latter, pets often loose weight. It is also common for dogs with this IBD to eat or chew on unusual items (pica) and it can be difficult to decide if pica is the cause or result of the problem.

Flatulence is also a common problem and so is a dull hair coat and heavy shed. When the lower intestine or colon is inflamed, the pet may strain and defecate more frequent, mucous-covered, stools.

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Aug 25, 2022
IBD and food recommendations?
by: Rina

Seems we are all struggling with the same questions.
Our mini had one episode of acute pancreatitis and later, she was also diagnosed with IBD.
she is not great eater and she doesn't like hydrolyzed prescription diet (tried Hills, Royal, Anemonda) - would be great is you have any other brand to recommend (low fat + hydrolyzed proteins).

May 20, 2017
Our mini and colitus.
by: Brett S

Our mini has had pancreatitis, IBS issues her whole life. She will be fine for several months, then a month of misery. Antibiotics and steroids help with the inflammation. It's important that our mini stay on a nearly fat free diet. It is prescription food. Apparently there is no cure for this condition, we just try to manage it the best we can. Countless blood tests and thousands of dollars spent have not stopped the condition, she is genetically disposed to these flare ups. Mini's are also susceptible to bladder stones so watch for that.
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: So sorry to hear of your mini's pancreatitis, etc. You are right, some minis can be prone to it -and well done you for taking such good care of her.

Jan 26, 2017
IBD symptoms
by: Anonymoussimon

Our mini started being sick on a daily basis about two weeks ago. Other than the vomiting she was perfectly normal; full of energy, healthy appetite, no tenderness in her stomach and no diarrhoea. The vet ran some blood tests which returned nothing. She continued to vomit after food so we took her to a hospital for an ultrasound, again nothing to report.
We were in the process of changing her food and wondered if this might be a factor or indeed the reason.
Two days later, having had a fruitless endoscopy they opened her up to take gut and intestinal samples for a biopsy. We have now been told she has IBD. The vet says she will be cured in a matter of weeks now they know what to treat her for.
Firstly, I don't believe the symptoms stack up, and secondly I though they could not be cured.
Any thoughts anyone?

Nov 15, 2016
by: Linda and Max

Sorry to hear of your problem. We are not qualified to give a response, but getting the right diet for your mini st this stage is vital.
Go on the schnauzer forums and post a question and read all you can online, other owners have had the same problem.
Good luck

Nov 14, 2016
IBD in Minis
by: Fran F.

I have a 3 yr old mini that has just come home from 3 days in the veterinary hospital due to dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. They think that she may have IBD. I have been feeding her a grain free lamb based dry food by precise naturals. I recently changed to a chicken formula in the same line. Does anyone out there have similar problems with their mini? The vet sent her home with antibiotics and prednisone (hate the prednisone) but the vet says its necessary and I want my baby well. When asked if I should change her food, they advised no because they are concerned that a change might put her into relapse. My friend who is a schnauzer breeder says that the fat content in the chicken formula is too high for a mini. It's 16% whereas the lamb was 12%. What do I do?

Sep 16, 2016
Good info
by: Andrew

My 11yr old Schnauzer Millie has been suffering with this condition for a while, I am looking for an alternative to her current food to cut down the irritation problem is online all advice is ad based. Enjoyed the article very helpful.

Nov 27, 2014
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know if this condition is genetic?

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