Huge ears to flop down

by Catherine
(Sacramento, Ca, USA)

I just acquire a pure bred mini schnauzer from a rescue. He's 11 months old. He's got huge ears that would look way better if they flopped down ( then he'd look like a schnauzer rather than a chihuahua.) what can I do that will not hurt the dog?

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Jul 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

There are several forums online on how to place tape on the ends of their ears in order to weigh them down and train them to fold. I suggest looking at those. It worked for me and was not harmful nor painful, and my vet had informed me that since their ears are so thin, some glues can soak through the skin and into the blood stream. So if you decide to use glue just be careful about which ones and their toxicity.

Mar 29, 2011
Ears that stand up
by: Pam

Hi, we used to have Wire Hair Terriers. Their ears are supposed to flop over also, but when they were teething or got real excited one if the ears would pop up. The breeder who raised show dogs told us about a special glue that is used for that problem. You just put a dab on the tip and touch it in place. We used it while it trained the ear down.

We now have a mini schnauzer she is 9 years old and her ears are not cropped but flop over, however I always ask our groomer to leave a bit of weight on her ears, because if they take them down too close they will tend to perk up when she is in a serious mood. This way they never stand up.

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