How to break him off table scraps?

by rick
(morristown tn)

How can i break him from his habit of not eating his dog food?:
Unfortunately, I spoiled him with table scraps.

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Apr 22, 2012
table scraps
by: rick

thanks for the advice,it is hard to look at him and not give him any, but it does work. something funny about schnauzers they seem to always be hungry. i finally found a brand of dog food he enjoys so thanks again, by the way great website.p.s. mighty dog has a schnauzer puppy on labels of cans and boxes, my dog pirate got excited when he seen the box and devoured his food lol.

Apr 10, 2012
Table scraps
by: Ann G

Well, it won't be easy, especially if you're a "softie" :-)

When you're eating your meals, completely ignore your dog's begging. Eventually, they will give up and walk away. This will not happen overnight, but it will happen; you have to be STRONG.

Since he won't be getting table scraps, your dog will get hungry enough and will eat his own food. If he's stubborn and won't eat for a day or so, don't be alarmed because he will eat when he's hungry enough.

Good luck!

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