How much is too much water for a Schnauzer puppy?

by Brittney
(Orlando, FL)

I just recently bought a mini Schnauzer puppy. He is just over 9 weeks old. Im not sure if I am giving him too much water.
He pees all the time. Minutes after he drinks he pees. It is almost clear. Im not sure what's going on and how much water he should be getting.
He seems happy with no problems. Should I be concerned?

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Jan 28, 2012
Probably OK
by: Eddie

Is it hot where you live?
Schnauzers, like other dogs, need plenty water - especially if they are hot.
It is goo=d that his urine is clear, this is a sign of health.
Keep an eye on him and if he is still drinking like crazy in a ciouple of weeks, have him checked out.

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