How many schnauzer puppies?

by matthew

how many puppies do mini,standard and giant have?

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Jul 14, 2021
10 Puppies!
by: Anonymous

My Minnie schnauzer had 10 puppies! 5 females and 5 males. All of the puppies were black. She was a wonderful mother and all 10 survived.

Nov 29, 2018
My miniature schnauzer
by: Anonymous

I have a black miniature schnauzer weighs 8 pounds on her first breeding she had 7 puppies all boys. I hear that’s rare. But all healthy and super beautiful. On her second go around she had 8 omg. So idk after her second I just felt like that might be too many for her at a time and had her fixed.

Mar 15, 2012
Schnauzer puppies
by: Linda and Max

Depending on which type of Schnauzer you are getting, litter size will vary. Miniature Schnauzers will generally have a litter of 3 to 5 or 6 puppies.

Standard Schnauzers have larger litters with 6 to 10 puppies, while the Giant will have 5 to 8 Schnauzer puppies.

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