How do I Get that Clean White Face with my White Schnauzer?

by Jackie Lynch
(N. Ft. Myers, FL, USA)

I bought a white Miniature Schnauzer after we lost our 14yr old salt & pepper Schnauzer. She has been a blessing and so completely different than our other dog.
My question is, how do you keep the white fur around her mouth and eyes from turning brown? I wipe her face after she eats and use Tear Stain Remover but it doesn't remove the brown stains. What do I need to do to get that pretty white face back?

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Jan 13, 2011
keeping them white
by: Cindi

We have three white schnauzers. I use angel eyes in their food. It can be pricey but I get it on It works great! Also when bathing, or groomer said to use the bluing shampoo that old ladies use to keep their hair white. Finally, only give them distilled water. The beard will pick up the mineral content from tap water. You should see a difference in 30 days.

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