Help needed - new schnauzer not eating!

We just got a minature schnauzer on March 31st. Female 7 months old spayed and up-to-date on care. We are the third owner.
The previous gal lived in an apartment and felt the dog wasn't happy alone all day. She only had her for 3-4 months.
We have 2 boys aged 9 and 12 and they are very good and gentle with her.

Tessie seems very timid. She is easily startled by unexpected sounds (moving a chair, a door slam...) and we feel she is just a bit confused with the new surroundings. (I wonder if the original owner may have mistreated her???)
She doesn't bark or cry but the problem is she isn't eating much either. We have had to take her bowls to her to get her to drink and she doesn't seem interested in the puppy chow. She did eat a piece of Swiss cheese today that I put in her bowl. I am concerned.

Any assistance anyone can provide will be appreciated. She is such a cute girl and I am confident in time she will loosen up.
But she has got to eat!


dc for Tessie.


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Jun 05, 2011
Rescued Scnauzer
by: Anonymous

I too rescued a mini schnauzer and I was his third home and he was abused to some extent. It has taken a lot of time and love to gain his trust because he is very un-trusting of humans. He is finally getting there. I also had problems with food. What I did that helped was mix his dry dog food with some wet dog food. Dogs will not starve themselves! Eventually once she gets use to her new home she will eat on a regular basis! She will come around. Imagine if you had 3 homes in that amount of time! Just give her lots of love and time and she will come around!!!! Also do the loving on her terms....that way she doesnt get scared of you!So glad you found each other!!! Good luck!

Jun 05, 2011
scared little resuce
by: Anonymous

6 yrs ago my we rescued Spiffy. (At the time, she was approx 1 yr old)She had been abused, but we don't know the actual circumstances.
Very timid and every little noise scared her.
She would sit in a corner away from us and shake most of the day. Particularly scared of my husband. Vet suggested my husband be the feeder to gain her trust. I'd say the best thing we did was just be very gentle with her and show her how much we already loved he. Each day we would try to spend as much time as possible near her but not up against her. Reading the paper, making phone calls, etc. And each day we would move a few inches closer. As she became more familiar with the her home, we bought a few little pet beds and put them in the spots she seemed to favor so that she would have her own special safe havens. (Crates were out the of question- to this day, she still shakes if she gets near one. I don't even what to think of the reason..) As the weeks and months progressed, she soon was at home here and began to love and trust us. The man she was so scared is the one she now runs to when she is scared of something (thunder, loud noises).
I am happy to report she is healthy, happy and somedays I think her tail will wag off. Just be gentle and patient. I expect your dog as with ours will always be a timid dog, and still many things scare her.

I can't address the eating. Spiffy had the opposite problem. We think she was not fed on a regular basis. Was underweight. We had her sleep on our bed from the start but as we always have done, take our time about getting up. Spiffy threw up each morning. And threw up late afternoon as well.
We began feeding her immediately after we awoke and around 4pm (We're retired).No more throwing up. She was just so upset she would not get fed.
Anyway on to your situation. I'd try to find out what she really loves and tempt her with that and as other said Raw or cooked proteins are usually the favorite. And, if possible, you might ask your vet for some suggestions.
Just enjoy and be patient and show your love
Hope this helps If I can assist, ok to email me Betsy

Jun 05, 2011
Raw Diet
by: Cindi

We rescue schnauzers and have five at the moment. Instinct has a raw diet which mine absolutely love. The venison is their favorite. Occassionaly I give them hot oatmeal with the raw rabbit. They lick the shine off the bowl. There is also a freeze dried raw diet I recently heard about online, not sure of the name but you can google it. All you do is add water and let it sit for a minute or two. I have also cooked for them in the past but the raw they seem to love!

Jun 04, 2011
Real Food!!!!
by: LuLu

She is still unfamiliar with her surroundings. I feed my dogs (two mini-schnauzers) real food, yep, people food. They LOVE chicken. But they will eat dog food too. A dog will not starve themselves though. Have you talked to a vet??? And I actually feel bad when I feed mine dog you really know whats in a can or bag of dog food???? Road kill, other peoples pets that have passed. They are "rendered" Look it up on-line and read about the process of making dog food, you won't want to feed them it anymore. Plus your dog will actually live longer eating real food. Mine have NEVER EVER turned their noses up to real food. Plus I buy, for treats, cow feet, and real bones with meat on them. And no I don't cook em up for them either. How would a dog survive in the wild...schnauzers are hunters...they were bred to catch and believe it or not my Lola has caught two already and Lana brought in a squirrel. Cook her up some chicken...dime to a dollar she will eat it up!

Jun 04, 2011
Schnauzer not eating
by: Michele

I feel very sorry for you..& Tessa, but it may be because she is scared that you don't love her.. plenty of cuddles, and tempt her with Chicken.. try feeding her with dried complete as that usually works.. maybe she's fed up of the food..try feed ing your schnauzers together.. Schnauzers are very intelligent and stubborn so a little coxing and cuddles should work.. Tell her you love her too. I feed mine together and never had problems..

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