Help me!!

by Ellie Pereira

My standard schnauzer is 1 year old and whenever we leave the house and he is on his own he wees on the floor. Is there something we can do to prevent him doing this?! Please help!!!

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Oct 12, 2013
Wets when left alone
by: Toni

Sounds like your dog has separation anxiety. Did you recently take on a new job or have a new addition to the family, or move location? I would put him in a wire doggie cage for a few minutes at a time when you are home (with a nice blanket inside and a favorite toy). Then when you go out, put him in the cage.
Hopefully you won't be leaving him in the cage with the door closed for more than a couple hours. Dogs are den animals, and if started in the cage when they are puppies, they will often go to the cage for comfort. Having said that, if your dog is a year old and not used to a cage, it may be like punishment to start with, so do it when you are home, playfully, lovingly, and make it fun.
After a bit, leave the door open, and see if your dog stays in or goes back in. My Mini used to know cage time was bedtime, and sometimes she would go into the cage (at 5 months old+) by herself(when she was tired, after her surgery, etc.) When she became totally trustworthy, we put the cage away, but before that, a blanket on top was her "den". Try it gently....not to punish, but to reassure that there is a special spot to go to when afraid, and it may help. Be sure the cage is out of the way, but not where the dog feels abandoned and totally away from the family.
Never scold when you find the pee, because it will not be connected in your dog's mind to what happened, and will confuse and cause fear. If you love your dog, BE PATIENT!

Oct 05, 2013
Put Him Up
by: Anonymous

I would recommend putting him in a dog cage. Dogs normally will not mess up the place they sleep. Do it for 5-6 times and when you return let him out immediately.
Tell him he is a good boy/girl. Give him plenty of praise. Hope it works.

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